Friday, June 29, 2012

Great time to be a Gastroenterologist!

Well, as you all know, the Supreme Court came down very favorably yesterday for people with pre-existing conditions, the type of patients that Gastroenterologists typically care for.

Right now, I am just soaking this whole decision in right now, and I will have a very lengthy write-up later.  This has been a day-in-the-coming for many years now.  Just a great day for Gastroenterology. There should be a big write-up by tomorrow night.

In related, news, I look forward to updating this blog again more on a regular basis.  Thanks to all of you who read my blog, it's been fun!

1 comment:

  1. As an ammendum, a big thanks to our pals over at the American Gatroenterology Society for speaking out on this and pushing for it's passage. A long day in the making no doubt.
